Welcome to the University College of Arts and Social Sciences


The University College of Arts and Social Sciences is committed to the cause of Higher Education by providing world-class Teaching, Research and Public Service. The college seeks to serve society by contributing to
  1. The development of an educated and enlightened population capable of informed judgement and responsible citizenship.
  2. The availability of persons who have the knowledge, skills and adaptablitiy required by public and private enterprise.
  3. Advancement of knowledge, skills and human creativity.
It is within this context that the University College of Arts and Social Sciences, articulates the following statements concerning its goals, its accountability and its distinctive role in modern Indian society.
  1. Provide the highest possible quality of teaching in the Arts, Humanities, Languages, and Social Sciences.
  2. Enhance student success by fostering an environment conducive to intellectual and personal growth.
  3. Encourage scholarship through basic and applied research of the highest quality.
  4. Serve the community by making its expertise available to individuals and institutions.
  5. Preserve and protect academic freedom and intellectual independence, and provide a forum for critical inquiry and debate.